Château de Camon
The Château de Camon
Exploring the Languedoc From Our Base in a French Château
September 8 - 16, 2023 | Maximum Group Size: 15 Participants | Availability: Open
One of the strongest motivations to travel is the deep yearning we have to connect with the past. Some may explain this by an awareness of past lives, others may simply enjoy the thrill of entering an ancient building or standing in a timeless landscape where their imaginations ignite and conjure the past. If this is the experience you are seeking, there could be no better place to spend a week than in the mysterious and spellbinding Ariège. Set in the southwest of France, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, we’ve found the perfect setting for a week of time travel—the Château de Camon.
Charlemagne, on his return from harassing the Moors in Spain, put the village of Camon under the authority of Notre Dame. By the middle of the 10th century,, a Benedictine Abbey was in place. Troubadors, crusaders, itinerant knights, Spanish princesses and persecuted Cathars passed through the region. The Abbey of Camon was an important sanctuary along the way and by the 16th century, a fortified manor (château) had been built to secure the Abbey. The château has now been offering comfort and tranquility to travelers for five hundred years! Vaulted ceilings, four-poster beds, beautiful fabrics , and all the amenities of 21st-century living make the château both spine-tinglingly authentic and sumptuously cozy.
Château de Foix
With the Château de Camon as our base for seven nights, each day we will set off to explore the antiquities of the Aude and Ariège regions. From the ruins of Cathar castles to the medieval grandeur of Carcassonne, it will be impossible to head home without feeling touched by the shadows of the past!
If you would like to register for The Château de Camon tour, please complete and submit the form located under Reserve Now.
*Once you have submitted the above registration form with your digital signature, a Discover Europe staff member will be in contact as soon as possible to process your deposit and welcome you to the tour.