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Italian Masterpieces

Italian Masterpieces

March 27 - April 5, 2025 | Maximum Group Size: 15 Participants | Availability: Open

Vatican Museum

As powerfully different as the three famous tenors, the charismatic combination of Rome-Florence-Venice reveals three archetypal faces of Italy. At once sensual, robust, and achingly artistic, these cities and their surrounding villages, steeped in medieval mystery, will stimulate your senses and enliven your perceptions, while rewarding you with glorious vistas and a tantalizing glimpse of La Dolce Vita.

From the architectural wonders of St. Peter’s Square and the sublime simplicity of Michelangelo’s Pieta, to the sprawling magnificence of Florence’s Duomo and the dreamy timelessness of Venice floating out of the mists, here is an excursion that serves as a reminder of civilization’s glorious past and present. We begin in Rome—the Eternal City—with a day spent exploring the splendors of Vatican City and the swirling madness of a vital city that flaunts its impressive Roman Forum, hulking Colosseum, and joyful Trevi Fountain. From Rome, we head north to the lovely medieval town of Assisi, and on through olive groves and vineyards to Florence, the “Capital of the Renaissance.” Here, at the heart of romantic Italy, we’ll soak up treasures of the art world, views from Brunelleschi’s magnificent dome, and travel to Pisa to admire its astonishing Tower—one of the wonders of the world.

Finally, as we wend our way toward Venice, we’ll stop in Padua and Bologna, rich in medieval history and art. Our pilgrimage ends in Venice, a dazzling city that marries light, water, open space, and Gothic grandeur in a breathtaking amalgam—a fitting way to culminate our visit to Italy’s priceless treasures.

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